By Daisy Petrow on Monday, 06 March 2023
Category: News

NALC writes on where local government finance for Localis

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has written an essay for Localis as part of their essay collection on where local government finance will be in 2030.

Ahead of the March Budget, Localis has asked significant players from the local government sector, experts and academics to set out their thoughts, views and hopes for local government finance in the next political cycle.

NALC's essay talks about how local councils are often overlooked when it comes to local government finance, how they are changing and doing more and are an increasingly vital cog in the council finance wheel, and what 2030 could look like through the lens of the fictitious Flowers on the River Community Council.

Moving through the gears is an essay collection covering perspectives on what the future could, should and might be for local government finance.

Read NALC's essay on parish power