

NALC committee election voting is closing soon


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) calls on larger and smaller local (parish and town) councils to vote for the Larger Councils Committee and Smaller Councils Committee elections.

There are eight directly elected councillor seats from larger councils and four directly elected non-voting clerks from larger councils in direct election to the Larger Councils Committee — find out more about the candidates.

There are three seats for the direct election to the Smaller Councils Committee, and candidates can be councillors or clerks but must represent a smaller council — find out more about the candidates.

This year, NALC uses the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system for all elections, and councils must pre-register to vote. Once registered, a voting link will be issued. All councils must register by 20 November 2023 to cast their vote, and voting ends on 22 November 2023. The results of the election will be announced on 29 November 2023. For any enquiries on the committee elections, please get in touch with NALC at .

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