By Nadoya Reid on Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Category: News

National Assembly supports proposals to improve NALC committees

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) proposals to develop and improve how committees function were approved by its National Assembly on 29 November 2023.  

The assembly agreed on the proposal's aim of implementing enhanced induction and training and more consistent administration processes. They also support the development of a comprehensive two-year work program which involves the development of NALC's existing major themes like climate change, health and well-being, Make A Change, planning and young people, as well as introduce a new theme covering community safety, data, workforce, financial resilience, sector risks, artificial intelligence, micro councils, and the creation of new councils.  

There was also an update from the Jo Cox Civility Commission on their work and a presentation from Cllr Mark Edwardson from Congleton Town Council about the White Ribbon campaign. National Assembly members were urged to encourage their county association to support the White Ribbon campaign and to promote signing the Civility and Respect Pledge.  

The National Assembly comprises councillor representatives from each of the 43 county associations, and their objective is to oversee the delivery of NALC's objectives.   

Find out more about the National Assembly