

NALC team up with the University of Plymouth for ground-breaking research on dementia


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the University of Plymouth (UoP) are to undertake ground-breaking research on dementia in local (parish and town) councils.

NALC and UoP believe that England's 10,000 local councils play an important role within communities to offer solutions to help tackle dementia. The research will aim to find out precisely what local councils are doing to help support their communities on dementia.

The research will begin on 24 February 2020 and will last around two months, closing on 17 April. In this period, an extensive survey will be completed by local councils. Once the data is collected and analysed, a joint report will be published, which will summarise what local councils are doing and give recommendations on what they can do to help make their communities healthier.

Cllr Sue Baxter, chairman of NALC, said: "This cutting-edge research led by Professor Ian Sherriff BEM [academic partnership lead for dementia at UoP], is an interesting opportunity to get more insight on what local councils are doing. But more importantly, on how we can support them to level-up and help the most vulnerable in their communities".

There are currently around 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia. It can cause a strain on health services and for families and carers. While for the person living with dementia, it can trigger loneliness, confusion and isolation. It is essential for those living in rural areas that local councils create a community where residents have an active lifestyle and feel safe and supported.

Complete the survey

If you have any questions, please contact NALC at or on 0207 290 0314.


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