

The first intake for CiLCA 2021 beginning from April 


The Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) 2021 was launched earlier this year to reflect legislation changes. From April 2021, learners will be registered for the updated qualification.

Now in its 20th year, CiLCA as a level three qualification covers a broad range of knowledge. This includes roles and responsibilities, the law, procedures, finance planning and community involvement. The knowledge acquired is applicable for clerks and officers working in local (parish and town) councils and councillors. 

The Society of Local Councils Clerks (SLCC) administrates CiLCA. Additionally, the Improvement and Development Board (IDB) provides the strategy and oversight for improvement and development initiatives in the local council sector, including CiLCA. As a member of IDB, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) supports the professionalism of the sector, leading to high performing councils meeting their potential. 

In return for the investment made into local council sector professionals, local councils will benefit greatly from the knowledge and skills acquired through the CiLCA qualification. The increased confidence gained by learners leads to better council decisions and practices and ultimately leading to better results for the communities local councils passionately serve. 

CiLCA can form one part of the eligibility for local councils to use the General Power of Competence (GPC), providing councils with the power to do anything an individual can legally do. Recognition of the CiLCA qualification is further enhanced within the Local Council Award Scheme, particularly at the Quality and Quality Gold levels. 

Jonathan Owen, NALC chief executive, said: “The incredible work local councils can achieve would not be possible without clerks and council officers, who provide invaluable support to their councils and councillors. I highly affirm the importance of councils supporting and investing in their council staff's development, particularly through CiLCA. Investing in this qualification leads to great returns, not least by opening up the potential for the GPC, which advances ultra-localism”. 

Before applying for CiLCA, anyone interested is encouraged to attend introductory training. County associations provide training for the qualification and should be contacted in the first instance. SLCC also provides training and relevant webinars. 

Find out more about CiLCA

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