NALC launch a new publication on trees
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has launched a new publication on local (parish and town) councils and the Tree Charter.
The publication which features a number of case studies captures the stories of local councils who were Charter Branches (local networks that signed up to the Tree Charter) and their actions from the Tree Charter as a resource of inspiration to other local councils.
Cllr Sue Baxter, NALC chair, said: "NALC is thankful to The Woodland Trust for their cooperation and partnership through the Tree Charter project over the past three years. Trees are an important resource not only for our communities health and wellbeing but for improving local biodiversity and tackling climate change."
Between 2017 and 2020, NALC partnered with The Woodland Trust, the National Union for Students, and the Tree Council to embed the ten principles of the Charter for Trees, Woods, and People (the Tree Charter) within communities across the UK. The partnership was funded by, The Big Lottery.