NALC adds a new event on affordable rural housing to its schedule
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has added a new online event on making rural housing more affordable to its schedule, taking place on 17 November 2021.
Affordable rural housing is becoming even harder to obtain for residents in rural parished areas. As land on which to build such housing becomes scarcer and the planning system goes through yet another major overhaul – the net effect seems to be even more socially isolated younger and other people priced out of homeownership in their own areas. At this event hear from sector experts about the difference local (parish and town) councils can make to influence local initiatives to make housing cheaper and affordable in rural areas – against the odds.
The expert panel features Lord Best, chair of the Affordable Housing Commission, Martin Collett, chief executive at English Rural and Richard Quallington, executive director at Action for Communities in Rural England
The event is sponsored by BHIB Councils Insurance, Blachere Illumination and CCLA.