

NALC add a new online event on levelling up the environment to its calendar


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has added a new online event on levelling up the environment through biodiversity net gain, taking place on 27 October 2021.

A vital aim of the government's 25-year Environment Plan is that "we should leave the environment in a better state than we found it". As biodiversity net gain becomes, one of the ways local (parish and town) councils can fight climate change — through requirements on planning authorities and forthcoming new environmental legislation. This event will examine what this means for local councils and what they can do for their area.

You will hear a stark assessment of the biodiversity crisis and how planning and environmental legislation will impact local councils and communities. You will find out more about local nature recovery strategies, how local councils can help police the 30-year net gain from developments and take action to improve biodiversity and level up the environment.

The expert panel currently features Cllr Ed Gemmell (Hazlemere Parish Council and Scientists Warning Europe) and Professor Dave Goulson (University of Sussex).

The event is sponsored by BHIB Councils Insurance, Blachere Illumination and CCLA.

Find out more and register your place


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