NALC holds the first meeting of new young councillors network
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) held its first National Network: Young Councillors meeting on 26 July 2021, which featured three of England's youngest councillors.
The network discussed getting young people involved in their community, working with and learning from more experienced councillors, ways for the network to stay in touch, and developing skills and knowledge.
Cllr Sue Baxter, NALC char, said: “I was delighted to host NALC’s latest new national network, especially as getting younger people involved in our communities and local (parish and town) councils is important to ensure we are more representative of the communities we serve and young people can influence the decisions that affect them. It was great to hear from all the young councillors about their experiences including those who turned eighteen over the last year and were elected in May 2021. The network will provide an invaluable opportunity to connect young councillors to discuss issues of common interest and provide mutual support, and I’m keen for more young councillors to get involved".
The new network is one of several NALC has established including coastal communities, LGBT+ councillors and women councillors, and aim to connect councils and councillors from across the country, learn from and support each other and share good practice.
To find out more and to join the network, please contact NALC at .