NALC endorses LGA Civility in Public Life Call for evidence
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has endorsed the Local Government Association’s (LGA) call for evidence of abuse and intimidation of councillors survey.
The LGA launched the survey on 25 October 2021 to support its Civility in Public Life programme. NALC has signed up for this important work, so the survey will also cover local (parish and town) council experiences. It will sit alongside the local council specific NALC and Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) civility and respect project work.
The call for evidence aims to capture members’ experiences and emerging trends around abuse and intimidation from the public.
However, candidates who have run for election, officers who have supported candidates or councillors, and public members can also share their reflections.
The evidence gathered will help the LGA and NALC develop a body of evidence to support calls for legislative and systemic change and develop support for councillors.
More information on the LGA Civility in Public Life programme and relevant resources are available on the LGA website.
The LGA has asked that if you would like to share the link on social media, please tag LGA in your post (Twitter @LGAcomms)