27 Nov 2023

NALC calls for broadband access in highly remote areas

In NALC's response to the government's digital connectivity consultation on improving broadband for very hard-to-reach, it suggested the government prioritise giving isolated rural communities a baseline minimum broadband signal ahead of trying to accelerate the speed of connection in areas with strong broadband.

As a related issue, NALC has also called for new houses and businesses to be provided with in-built infrastructure to enable connection to fibre-optic broadband, which was critical for the growth of the rural economy and future jobs.

NALC also advised the government to work closely with them and other local government stakeholders, as many of their members represent rural areas.

NALC is supportive of the government's ambition to deliver nationwide gigabit-capable broadband as soon as possible and thinks that in the period to 2025, it is about right that the government is targeting a minimum of 85% gigabit-capable coverage and is working with the industry to accelerate delivery to get as close to 100% coverage as soon as possible.

Read the full consultation