02 Jun 2023

NALC launches a new event on making the planning system work for local councils

Planning is undoubtedly the most significant issue affecting most parished communities in England. While the government has retreated from some of its controversial policy commitments from the 2020 white paper, it is time to re-examine the sector's current concerns about planning in local council areas.

Join us at this exciting event to hear from a national policy stakeholder and relevant planning case studies from the local council sector on improving the planning system to meet local (parish and town) council needs. Our expert speakers will share their knowledge on the challenges and opportunities of planning in local councils and discuss approaches for improving community engagement, promoting sustainable development, and ensuring a fair and transparent planning process.

You will have the opportunity to engage in lively discussions with fellow attendees and learn from the experiences of other local councils facing similar planning challenges. Whether you are a local councillor, community leader, planner, or resident interested in planning issues, this event is an excellent opportunity to gain wisdom on revitalising your community's planning.

Join us and discover how to work towards a planning system that meets the needs of local councils and empowers communities to shape their future.

Find out more about this event and register your place