NALC publishes its quarterly activity report
The quarterly activity report details progress in delivering NALC's strategic plan, including information on critical internal issues, parliamentary and government affairs work, events, finances, media coverage, publications and legal advice. It features updates from NALC's chief executive, the policy and communications, member services, and finance and administration teams.
This quarter's report summarises the organisation's strategic direction and significant milestones during the reporting period. Key highlights include:
- NALC's chair, Cllr Keith Stevens, wrote to the main political party leaders outlining NALC's manifesto for building stronger communities across England.
- NALC, supported by its LGBT+ councillors network, made history by attending its first-ever Pride event on 22 June 2024 at Corby Pride.
- NALC moved to using an automated phone menu system for callers to the main telephone number. This change aims to provide clearer options to all callers and direct them appropriately.
- NALC's Management Board and Policy Committee backed the Mumsnet campaign for public bodies to publish their parental leave policies, which NALC will do in due course.
- The Good Councillor's Guide and the Model Financial Regulations were reviewed, updated and published in May 2024.
The subsequent report covers July to September 2024 and will be published on 16 October 2024.