06 Aug 2024

Rural Services Network feature NALC's historical Pride presence

NALC's participation at Corby Pride (organised by Corby Town Council) aimed to foster greater understanding and support for LGBT+ communities within local (parish and town) councils, highlighting the importance of inclusivity in local governance. The effort aligns with NALC's broader mission to increase diversity across local councils.

Cllr Keith Stevens, NALC chair, commented on NALC's participation at Corby Pride, "This is a significant milestone for NALC. Our presence at Corby Pride 2024 reflects our dedication to promoting equality and inclusivity within parish and town councils and the communities they serve."

The Rural Services Partnership Spotlight is a quarterly publication that offers a vibrant platform for exchanging insights and best practices that tackle the distinctive challenges and opportunities facing rural communities throughout the UK. The summer 2024 edition also featured a variety of initiatives and developments benefiting rural communities. Highlights include the new Continuing Professional Development courses for rural practitioners, innovative schemes addressing homelessness and fuel poverty, and the expansion of the warm hubs initiative.