Women councillors network discusses how to make the network more effective
The network agreed that it should undergo a refresh and would review its priorities, aims, and identifying issues to focus on, such as growing the network, increasing awareness of local (parish and town) councils in schools, providing guidance on using social media, encouraging more councils to change their standing orders to use gender-neutral terms, supporting NALC’s campaigns on carer’s allowances and remote meetings, and localising NALC’s Make a Change campaign to provide more tools to help recruit more women councillors.
The network, alongside Cllr Sue Baxter (NALC vice-president), appointed two new co-chairs, Cllr Lorraine Rappe (Wickham and Knowle Parish Council) and Cllr Kay Wesley (Congleton Town Council), to help support and lead the group and its work.
The network also discussed the importance of campaigns and awareness days for local (parish and town) councils to get involved and raise awareness. These include International Women’s Day, White Ribbon UK, and the Jo Cox Civility Commission. It also stressed the prevalence of bullying in the sector, the importance of discussing and sharing solutions and engaging with the Civility and Respect Project.
The network will next meet on 7 September 2023.