Established in 1947, the National Association of Local Councils is the only national body that represents the interests of 10,000 local (parish and town) councils in England. NALC works in partnership with county associations to support, promote and improve local councils.

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Local councils is a universal term for community, neighbourhood, parish and town councils, and are the first tier of local government. There are 10,000 local councils in England with over 30% of England parished.

Find out more about local councils


County associations are representative bodies for local councils in their area. Guiding local councils on a range of matters and providing comprehensive training sessions on all the above topics and many others.


Find out more about county associations


24 September 2024
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) is excited to unveil our new redeveloped website on 7 October 2024, a key initiative to deliver even greater value for your membership fee, significan...
24 September 2024
Author: Katherine Brown, external affairs at Blachere Illumination UK With the Star Council Awards 2024 on the horizon, Blachere Illumination is proud to support them again this year. Blachere Il...
24 September 2024
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has broadly welcomed the proposals in the government’s to-be-updated National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
20 September 2024
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) was proud to be represented by its chair, Cllr Keith Stevens, at the official opening of a groundbreaking rural housing development in Shepherdswell, ...

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