31 May 2023

NALC committee identifies carers allowance as a lobbying priority

The committee had previously agreed that extending the Dependants' Carers' Allowance to local (town and parish) councils should be of prime concern and welcomed NALC to press parliament on the issue as part of the amendment to the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill.

For the next stage of the bill, the committee were tasked to provide further evidence of how councillors are affected and the cost of delivering the dependent's carers' allowance to councillors to support the campaign's lobbying.

The committee also considered the government's recent Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan and shared examples of their work to reduce anti-social behaviour, such as through graffiti removal and delivery of youth services, including outreach and provision of CCTV. NALC will gather further examples from larger councils and their use of existing powers to inform our engagement with the government.

The next committee meeting takes place on 25 July 2023 and will discuss engaging with larger and super councils and NALC members, NALC governance for larger councils, the committee's work programme and the government's neighbourhood governance review. 

Read the meeting's full minutes