14 Jun 2023

NALC to represent local councils at the LGA Annual Conference 2023

NALC will host a fringe event on why local (parish and town) councils matter on 5 July 2023 at 17:15 in Bayview Suite 1, Bournemouth International Centre. The event will discuss why local councils matter to residents, local organisations and businesses, and principal authorities. The event will put several questions to the expert panellists from the Local Government Association's political groups, such as what the political parties think about parish councils and their future role, whether there should be more or fewer politics involved, should they serve as a training ground for principal authorities, and should they be empowered. 

NALC will also be part of the exhibition between 4 and 6 July 2023 on stand W4 to talk to delegates about the local council sector, make representatives to ministers and parliamentarians, and increase local councils' brand visibility.

NALC will be on hand to support Bridport Town Council at the Innovation Zone for an enlightening and inspiring session that will delve into the strategies and operational activities that can supercharge the potential of local councils. The session includes good practice examples by the council on using the powers granted to them by the Localism Act to deliver sustainable solutions designed by and for the local community.