NALC publishes its quarterly activity report
The quarterly activity report details progress in delivering NALC's strategic plan, including information on critical internal issues, parliamentary and government affairs work, events, finances, media coverage, publications, and legal advice. It features updates from NALC's chief executive, the policy and communications, member services, and finance and administration teams, as well as key performance indicators (KPIs).
This quarter's report summarises the organisation's strategic direction and significant milestones during the reporting period. Key highlights include:
- The publication of the chair’s open letter setting out hopes and aspirations for 2024.
- Successful renewal of Cyber Essentials certification for the second consecutive year.
- An update on NALC online events
- An update on the Local Council Award Scheme and the recent consultation on the review of the criteria for the Scheme
- County association engagements
- An update on NALC publications
The following report covers April to June 2024 and will be published in July 2024.