By Super User on Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Category: News

Manifesto calls for fair rural deal

The Rural Services Network has published its manifesto ahead of the 2015 General Election, calling for a fairer deal for rural England.

The document, Seeking the Best for Rural England, calls on an incoming government to set the framework for a thriving rural economy, mixed rural communities, and better rural services.

Rural Services Network chair Cecilia Motley said: "In England, almost one in five people live in our rural towns, villages and countryside.

"Rural communities are significant contributors to the nation's economy. If they thrive, the chances are that the nation thrives too.

"Policies for health care, education, economic growth, transport, housing and so on must all benefit rural communities and meet their needs."

Sustained budget cuts had left many rural local authorities at a tipping point where frontline services will start to collapse, said Cllr Motley.

The scope for management and back-office efficiencies had now been exhausted, she added.

"This is not an unrealistic call to hike government spending, but a call for recognition that in hard times especially, rural areas deserve their fair share of public expenditure.

"It cannot be right that in almost every sphere of public policy less is spent on rural communities than on communities elsewhere," added Councillor Motley.

"The historic underfunding of rural services must be brought to an end."

Any moves to devolve more powers and budgets away from central government and to local levels must pay equal attention to rural areas, said Councillor Motley.

"Devolution is not just an agenda for cities or city-regions. However, devolution should not be tied to some centrally imposed restructuring of local government."

The manifesto calls on the government to address the following issues:

View The Rural Services Manifesto