NALC to support Prime Minister's Champion Group on dementia
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has been invited to sit on and secretariat the Prime Minister’s Champion Group (PMCG) on dementia.
NALC has been invited to sit on the group alongside other key stakeholders, to collaborate on a national scale to create Dementia-Friendly Communities and services. NALC has also agreed to become the secretariat group for 2021.
The PMCG was established by former prime minister David Cameron in 2012 and looks to make the UK the best in the world for dementia care, support, research, and awareness. Given the ongoing impact of COVID-19 for people living with dementia and their families, the work of this group has never been more critical.
NALC's involvement in the PMCG continues a running thread of work on dementia, as in 2020 NALC co-wrote and published a publication on Dementia-Friendly Communities alongside the University of Plymouth. The document aimed to encourage all local councils to support people living with dementia and their families in their communities and is supported, by prime minister Boris Johnson MP.
NALC chairman, Cllr Sue Baxter, said: "Dementia is a cause close to my heart due to the effect that it has on our residents and communities. I am thrilled that NALC has been invited to be involved in the Prime Minister's Champion Group on dementia. Local (parish and town) councils are essential to improving the lives of people in our communities and I am looking forward to seeing the outcomes of the group’s work over the coming year."
Co-chairs of the PMCG on dementia, Angela Rippon CBE and Jeremy Hughes CBE said: “It is enormously valuable to have NALC providing the secretariat for the Prime Minister’s Champion Group. This is a further demonstration of their commitment to support dementia-friendly communities across the UK."