

NALC announces Star Council Awards 2021 finalists


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has today announced who is in the running for the 2021 Star Council Awards.

The Star Councils Awards recognise the effective work done by local (parish and town) councils, councillors, county associations and clerks.

This year, the theme focuses on projects that have positively impacted communities in the context of COVID-19. NALC received a record number of nominations, highlighting the tremendous effort put in by local councils during the pandemic.

The panel included representatives from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Local Government Association, the Rural Coalition, the Transport Planning Society, BHIB Local Councils Insurance and the University of Exeter.

Cllr Sue Baxter, NALC chair, said: “Congratulations to everyone who has made it to this stage. The judges were hugely impressed by the quality of the entries. They recognised that the sector had risen to the challenge – going above and beyond – during the pandemic and want to congratulate not only those that entered the awards but local councils everywhere.”

The winners will be announced at a virtual ceremony later in the year.

Read more about the finalists

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