

NALC opens Scribefest 2021


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) opened Scribefest 2021 virtual conference with a keynote on levelling up and building back better.

Cllr Baxter, NALC chair, delivered a keynote on the theme of together we stand. Cllr Baxter took the opportunity to thank everyone in the local (parish and town) council sector for supporting their communities throughout the pandemic and praised the ongoing work by councils as "never more needed".

She spoke about her reflections over the last five years as NALC chair, such as engaging with the government, lobbying successes and changes to improve the organisation. Before going on to identify a series of challenges for the future, including working together at all levels to raise the sector's profile, government reforms to planning and local government structures, promoting civility and respect in public life and attracting more people to become councillors or professional officers.

The event also featured NALC partners BHIB Councils Insurance and Breakthrough Communications and Jackie Weaver from the Cheshire Association of Local Councils.

Find out more about Scribefest 2021

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