

NALC responds to the government’s Local Nature Recovery Strategies consultation


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has urged the government to involve local (parish and town) councils in shaping Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRSs) in their areas.

NALC responded to the government's consultation, urging local council representatives selected by their county associations to engage directly with principal authorities and other partners responsible for drafting plans to save ecology and protect biodiversity in their areas.

NALC also called for proper funding, leadership on local nature partnerships, more significant reference to the climate emergency, and local nature partnerships to represent groups of the country's 159 National Character Areas (NCAs), representing the different natural areas of the country.

NALC's response is part of our continued commitment to lobbying on this topic, including engaging with the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and parliament on the Environment Bill.

Read the full response

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