By RD on Friday, 01 May 2015
Category: News

How to achieve warm and green energy for the countryside?

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) welcomes and supports a Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) report published recently which reveals that England needs a huge investment in energy efficiency if the country is to meet its 2015 carbon reduction target and stop consequential damage to the countryside.

CPRE's 'Warm and Green' report claims that energy efficiency has been grossly underplayed in discussions and policy direction on England's future energy supply, and that needs to change especially in rural areas.

The report highlights the potentially huge impact of infrastructure on the countryside if old and new homes remain energy inefficient, and illustrates the dearth of funding for improvements in rural areas.

In seeking solutions to these problems, the National Association supports the proposals contained in the report of:

Cllr Ken Browse, chair of NALC, said: "Parishes have a key role to play in delivering and promoting reduced energy and carbon emissions and NALC looks forward to working with Government, the Rural Coalition (including CPRE) to help achieve this. Clearly what is needed is urgent action to increase energy efficiency and reduce the level of carbon emissions in the country."

View CPRE report

Read more on the Rural Coalition