By RD on Friday, 07 February 2020
Category: News

NALC expands its services with a new suite of HR resources

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has expanded its services by launching a new suite of HR resources to help local (parish and town) councils on a range of employment matters.

The resources include templates on numerous employment policies that you can tailor to your local council's needs, alongside how-to guides and notes to help implement the policies. These cover the full range of employment matters such as annual leave, lone working, training and many more.

The materials support the crucial role of local councils in being a good employer. Whether the council employs a single member of staff or several staff members across a range of services, the local council has a legal duty to those staff members. Through proper management and a supportive environment, the local council can become a more productive and enjoyable place to work.

NALC and county associations are committed to supporting local councils and councillors. The resources are available for free to all NALC members and can be located in the member's area under templates. NALC offers a range of employment resources, including The Good Councillor's guide to being a good employer. For further information on these materials or any other employment-related matters, please contact your local county association.

The resources were produced in collaboration with HR Services Partnerships.