By RD on Thursday, 07 May 2020
Category: News

NALC publishes the first-ever report on local council elections

Today the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has published its report on local (parish and town) council elections after undertaking the first national research of its kind.

The purpose of the report was to undertake extensive research and collect a pool of data that gives a better picture of the elections in 2019 that will help NALC shape future campaigns and create a range of resources to help local councils and county associations.

The research found that 53% of councils and councillors used social media to promote elections. 71% of councils want to pilot online voting, 62% would like the election candidate form simplified, 65% used NALC's resources, and 51% were aware of NALC's Make a Change campaign.

NALC is committed to supporting local councils, councillors and county associations to increase the numbers of candidates, raise the profile of councillors, delivery more local media coverage and to make the process simpler.

NALC collected data from local councils, councillors and county association across England over six months through a survey which had over 3,700 respondents. The data gathered explored behaviours, experiences, geography, size of councils and looked into who exactly is the average councillor.

Read the full report