By Jessica Lancod-Frost on Friday, 26 March 2021
Category: News

Council tax levels for 2021/22 show the lowest increase in precepts for a decade

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has published information on council tax levels set by councils in England for the financial year 2021-22.

Key data specific to local (parish and town) councils include:

The statistical release also shows:

Cllr Sue Baxter, chairman of NALC, said: “Despite the most challenging of circumstances, England’s 10,000 local (parish and town) councils are continuing to increase their investment from their small share of council tax to support and improve their communities. At the same time, they are clearly demonstrating restraint and fiscal responsibility and looking out for taxpayers.

“The increase in the average Band D precept of 2.8% is significantly lower than the 4.4% increase by principal councils and is their lowest increase in a decade. However, this slowing down of additional investment in our neighbourhoods, villages, towns and cities is not sustainable and highlights the need for local councils to be able to directly access dedicated government funding such as for supporting their high streets, town centres, parks, leisure centres and other community assets.

“Given local councils have responded to the government’s challenge to exercise restraint, in return, the government must use the next spending review to give local councils certainty to plan for the future through a further multi-year deal not to extend council tax referendum principles.”

Read the full statistical release