By RD on Tuesday, 13 September 2022
Category: News

NALC supports licensing for short-term holiday lets 

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has called for the government to introduce licensing for all short-term holiday lets.

In response to the recent consultation by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) on short-term holiday lets, NALC stated that the government should tighten regulation by developing and introducing a licensing scheme for all short-term holiday lets, with physical checks of premises.

NALC went on to say it would go a long way in reducing anti-social behaviour at these properties. It would also baseline minimum hygiene, health and safety standards at such properties, providing reassurance for landlords and holidaymakers.

The government’s Tourism Recovery Plan, published in June 2021, included a commitment to consider a possible Tourist Accommodation Registration Scheme in England. The purpose of the call for evidence is to gather the information that will improve the government’s understanding of the benefits and challenges of short-term lets across England as a whole and how they vary across the country. The evidence will help the government determine whether there are options they should pursue through a consultation.

Read the full response