By RD on Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Category: News

NALC and the government make progress on the Martyn's Law proposals 

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has seen progress in the government's updated proposals for Martyn's Law standard tier consultation.

In response to the government's Martyn's Law standard tier consultation, NALC argued that the minimum standard tier threshold should remain at 100 but also that all village halls managed by unincorporated associations should be entirely removed from the scope of the standard tier proposals as liability could entirely fall on a handful of well-meaning volunteers.

This consultation targets organisations, businesses, local and public authorities, and individuals who own or operate publicly accessible premises or events that the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill will potentially affect. It seeks views from those responsible for smaller premises which would fall within the standard tier.

Read the full consultation response