By Super User on Monday, 08 June 2015
Category: News

Council of the Week: Whittington & Fisherwick Parish Council

This week, we would like to draw attention to an active parish in Staffordshire with commendable fundraising achievements and an impressive commitment to its community.

Whittington & Fisherwick Parish is a vibrant community with approximately 3,000 residents in the heart of England, two miles south east of the cathedral city of Lichfield in Staffordshire. 

The Council consists of two villages, 15 Councillors and has a precept of £45,901.

The Council is very active in the community, running inclusive festive events such as a pensioners party and carol singing, alongside its annual black Tie Ball and Countryside Craft Fair. 

Over 11 years, these events have raised over £145,400, of which over £115,000 has been awarded in grants to date.

With the help of these grants, local organisations such as the Whittington and Fisherwick Environmental Group (WFEG) and Community Responder Groups have been able to build things like a BMX track and a Trim Trail, both of which are now in use and enjoyed by children and residents. 

The WFEG have also planted a community orchard with a grant from the council, which is one of the many features of the parish’s parks and green spaces. Residents also benefit from a multi-use games area, a zip wire, tennis court, football pitch and a wonderful flower garden thanks to local Brownies.

Whittington & Fisherwick Parish is clearly a council with a social conscience and a commitment to its people and environment. It owns and manages the Whittington woodland, the war memorial, Fields in Trust sites and also has been awarded Fairtrade status. 

To ensure residents are involved in local developments, the council has produced a Parish Plan and is now in the process of creating a Neighbourhood Plan. A steering group has been set up and it recently facilitated a meeting where residents could talk to the developers that have expressed an interest on working on local housing developments. The Neighbourhood Plan is important to villages like Whittington and Fisherwick as it increases the chances of local people being involved in decisions such as where new houses might be built, how many and their size and style.

With so much going on, a parish like Whittington & Fisherwick needs good communication with its residents to make sure everyone knows what’s going on. The council’s website, managed by local councilors, is up-to-date, informative and easy to navigate.  The council also hand delivers a quarterly newsletter, in the shape of a 16 page booklet; a fantastic way to keep residents informed and involved in the vibrant local life – nurtured so brilliantly by the council working closely with its people.

Get in touch if you would like to nominate a future Council of the Week