By RD on Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Category: News

Media Watch | 22

Media Watch is a weekly round-up of the latest major stories about the local (parish and town) council sector.

  1. Birmingham City Council has agreed to go ahead with a public ballot on whether or not to create a new town council in Sutton Coldfield (The MJ, 28th May 2015)
  2. Proposed Sutton Coldfield Town Council on agenda at special councillors meeting

  3. A town in the US has installed red telephone boxes as a tribute to a town with the same name in England

  4. Letter from Cllr Ken Browse, chairman of NALC on the reorganisation needed in the local government for devolution to be truly localist (The MJ, 7th May 2015)

  5. A feature on the role of parish councils within the local government (NFOP Magazine, June/July 2015)

  6. A blog from Alan Jones, NALC’s head of communications on the importance of hyper local journalism and connecting to local councils