By RD on Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Category: News

Council of the Week: Dunstable Town Council

Dunstable Town Council is one of the largest town council’s in the country.  Employing over 80 staff with a revenue budget of over £3m, the council is at the forefront of the local government sector that is increasingly delivering quality of life services that principal authorities are no longer able to provide.

The council’s accomplishment has led to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) taking a trip to Dunstable on a best practice visit. Every year a delegation from NALC visits one of the leading local council’s in the sector and this year they made a visit to what is termed a ‘super council’ to find out how things are done by one of the very largest councils.

The council’s has an extensive events programme that attracts thousands of attendees each year; the council’s large grounds maintenance service maintains all the public open space in Dunstable includes two award winning town centre gardens and the council’s services to younger and older people. Amazingly the sheer variety of everything the council is doing are predominantly delivered in-house and not through service contracts.