By RD on Wednesday, 01 December 2021
Category: NALC blog

Cybersecurity — Keeping data safe


With a significant increase in home working, it is essential to consider what security measures you have in place.

The ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) has addressed the top three GDPR compliance challenges as follows:

Own devices

Remote working will increase the amount of personal data held on personal laptops or mobile phones and use non-council email addresses by councillors and clerks instead of the council’s email system.

Data audits

Retaining information just because it might be helpful in the future doesn’t mean it’s necessary to keep it. Councils should cleanse their records by deleting or destroying old data that is no longer relevant and has accumulated over time. Councils often don’t have formal handover processes whereby the ‘old’ clerk hands over relevant data to the new clerk and deletes or destroys old data.

Data sharing

Councils may struggle with knowing how to share data appropriately. The worry about potential conflicts between different pieces of legislation and whether to publish residents’ names in council minutes or how to redact them.

Our tips to help you stay safe and secure

GDPR compliance

Following GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) is crucial to ensure data protection and avoid fines for non-compliance.

Consider the below guidance:

Social media

Social media is an increasingly popular way for local councils to communicate with residents. Please ensure you have procedures in place to manage related risks effectively.

Guidance for social media accounts should include (but are not limited to):

Find out more about Cyber Insurance for your council

Any views or opinions expressed in this briefing are for guidance only and are not intended as a substitute for appropriate professional guidance. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the information contained herein is accurate at the time of writing. In relation to any particular insurance-related issues, readers are advised to seek specific advice.