

Interest Rates – where do they go from here? 


Rob Evans, senior portfolio manager, Cash Investment, CCLA 

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, the Bank of England’s (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) cut the Official Bank Rate (OBR) by 0.25%, ending the joint longest peak in rates since the BoE gained independence. 

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Great British Beach Clean 2024: How your communities can get involved! 


Author: Liberty Turrell, Great British beach clean administrator at the Marine Conservation Society

Last year, Marine Conservation Society volunteers made a monumental impact by removing more than 17,000 kg of litter from across the UK and Channel Islands. This fantastic effort unveiled a distressing reality: a staggering 480,343 litter items were collected, with single-use plastics accounting for three of the top five most commonly found items. 

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Has hyperlocalism’s time come? 


Author: Jonathan Owen, chief executive, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

It is good to see some long overdue consideration of devolution beyond regions and mayors to the hyperlocal level.

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Are you covered if your home or business premises are damaged during a riot? 


Author: Lee Cleaver, client account executive at Clear Councils Insurance

Rioting and civil unrest are relatively uncommon in this country. However, when violent disorder does occur, it can significantly affect communities, businesses, and individuals. Moreover, the insurance consequences of these events are substantial and can impact everything from property damage to business interruption.

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Moving to a domain - 50% of funding now allocated 


Author(s): Karen Gibbard, Sandra Lowe, Stephanie Palmer and Tim Willott from the Parish Council Domains Helper Team 

If your local (parish and town) council is still considering a move to a domain, the Parish Council Domains Helper Service would like to draw your attention to the current funding position.

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Empowering young leaders this International Youth Day and all year long


Author: Daisy Petrow, communications officer, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

Empowering young people is essential for building a sustainable and prosperous future. On International Youth Day, observed on 12 August, and all year long, we must commit to creating environments that nurture their potential, support their growth, and amplify their voices. 

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Celebrating excellence in local government: CloudyIT sponsors Clerk of the Year 


Author: David Hall, managing director, CloudyIT 

For the second consecutive year, CloudyIT is proud to sponsor the Clerk of the Year category at the prestigious NALC Star Council Awards. This sponsorship underscores our unwavering commitment to the local government sector and highlights the invaluable role that clerks play in our communities.

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Reflections on the Star Council Awards


Author: Cllr Lorna Berrett, councillor and chair, Botley and North Hinksey Parish Council

With the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Star Council Awards nominations open for 2024 I’ve been reflecting on my experience of being selected as Councillor of the Year for 2023. When I received an email saying I’d been nominated I really thought it meant the whole council and only when I went to the website and saw my name and a list of things I’d done did I understand that, yes, they really did mean me! I was surprised and delighted as it was completely unexpected.  

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Get ready for White Ribbon Day!


Author: Daisy Petrow, communications officer, the National Association of Local Councils

Now’s the time to start your White Ribbon Day plans! The theme for this year’s White Ribbon Day has been revealed: ‘It starts with men’.

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Is your parish and town council looking for support for environmental projects?  


Author: Kate Sullivan, education and engagement manager, RECOUP

Everything we buy, use and consume is provided by natural resources on planet earth. The problem is, we are utilising those resources at a far faster rate than the earth can regenerate them which is unsustainable and risks future generations’ health and wellbeing and financial and political security.

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Achieving net zero by 2050: A guide for local councils


Author: Nadoya Reid, communications officer, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

This net zero week is the perfect time for local (town and parish) councils to reflect on their roles in addressing climate change and reaffirm their commitments to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

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A Royal Garden Party come rain or sunshine


Author: Claire FitzGerald, administration manager, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

To the Palace we went and it poured,

We got really soaked but not bored,

They played Mr Blue Sky,

We couldn’t work-out why,

But we had brilliant fun, thank the Lord.

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Celebrating Pride 2024: Parish and town councils leading the way


Author: Nadoya Reid, communications officer, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

Pride Month is a vibrant and essential time for communities across the globe to celebrate and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion. For Pride 2024, various local (town and parish) councils in the UK have embraced this spirit wholeheartedly, organising events and activities that reflect their commitment to diversity and inclusion. Let’s take a closer look at some of the standout celebrations and explore how other councils can get involved in 2025.

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Make Music Day – local and international, back as usual on 21 June  


Author: Barbara Eifler, co-chief executive, Making Music, and chair, Make Music Day UK

It’s the simplest of concepts: anyone can create or host or perform in a music event on 21 June and be part of the world’s biggest DIY grassroots music festival.

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Why pride matters: celebrating visibility, equality, and community


Author: Geraldine Achieng, business development manager, LGBT Foundation 

Pride events are powerful and multifaceted celebrations that play a crucial role in promoting visibility, acceptance, and equality for the LGBTQ+ community. Not only do we commemorate the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, which honours the struggles and achievements of those who fought for equality, but we also celebrate the rich diversity within the LGBTQ+ community, including various sexual orientations, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds. 

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Could there be legionella risk in your garden?


Author: Charlie Brain, senior consultant, Water Hygiene Centre

In today’s world people are trying to save money, lead healthier lifestyles, eat healthier foods and be more active. Many people take pride in their gardens and use gardening to help with healthier lifestyles by growing their own healthy foods and enjoying the fresh smell of flowers.

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Youth engagement in Yate

young people 2

Author: Hayley Townsend, town clerk, Yate Town Council 

Several months ago, Yate Town Council were contacted by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) to ask if we would be interested in hosting a study tour to share best practice and exchange ideas and experiences with clerks and councillors from across the country, all around the theme of youth engagement.  

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It is time to trust our young people


Author: Cllr Cameron Palin, town councillor and deputy mayor, East Cowes Town Council

Both Scotland and Wales have votes at 16 and 17 which have cross-party support, the policy has been a gleaming success proven by the high-quality debate and extremely high voter turnout! So why has England still not followed suit?

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Understanding White Ribbon and its relevance for local councils


Author: Daisy Petrow, communications officer, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

In the landscape of societal change, the White Ribbon campaign stands as a beacon of hope and advocacy, aiming to end violence against women and girls. But what exactly is White Ribbon, and why does it matter? Let’s delve into this crucial initiative and explore its significance for local (parish and town) councils, and how they can actively participate.

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Why National Epilepsy Week is so important?


Author Nicola: Swanborough, head of external affairs, Epilepsy Society

Epilepsy is an invisible condition which can have a huge impact on people’s lives. That is why National Epilepsy Week, which runs from 20-26 May is such an important opportunity for raising awareness of the condition.

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It takes a village to raise a child


Author: Charlotte Eisenhart, head of member services at NALC and Trustee at PANDAS

This week marks maternal mental health awareness week which aims to get us all talking about mental health problems before, during, and after pregnancy.

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Ashton Hayes and Horton-cum-Peel Parish Council - achieving a quality award


Author: Trudy Ryall-Harvey, parish clerk at Ashton Hayes and Horton-cum-Peel Parish Council, Cheshire

Ashton Hayes and Horton-cum-Peel Parish Council represents a relatively small semi-rural parish of approximately 420 dwellings and 1300 residents, with a precept of £18,770.

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Help make The Big Help Out even bigger! 


Author: The Big Help Out team 

During the pandemic, millions of people volunteered to support each other through the most significant national crisis since the Second World War. This cemented volunteering as a core driver of connection.

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Why parish and town councils?


Author: Darren Tilley, chief executive and town clerk at Braunstone Town Council

I’m often asked what I do and what local (parish and town) councils do? Along with local councils across the country, we are simply committed to achieving the best outcomes for our residents and our community. But what does that mean in practice? While we are not directly responsible for statutory services, the services, and facilities we provide are the foundation on which both community spirit and wellbeing is built and enhanced.

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April is stress awareness month!


Author: Kathryn Cousins, wellbeing programme manager, The Stress Management Society

Mental health impacts our mind and body. It affects how we think, feel, and behave in every aspect of life, both personal and in the workplace. It can feel challenging to break free from  the cyclical nature of poor mental health, as feeling stressed may result in being  unproductive, leading to a higher workload, resulting in overwhelm and ultimately more  pressure.

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Be prepared for a change in government with proactive community support for your local neighbourhood plans


Authors: Neil Kirkland, chief executive officer and finance director and Katerina Sukstul, head of platform delivery and engagement at GoCollaborate Limited 

Local (parish and town) councils across the UK play a pivotal role in shaping their communities through neighbourhood development plans (NDPs).  While national politics can have a significant ripple effect on these local planning initiatives, early and inclusive consultation offers a powerful tool to strengthen your NDP.  

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Purple Day 2024: Get to know epilepsy 


Author: Rebecca Lock, PR & media officer at Epilepsy Action

79 new people are diagnosed with epilepsy every day in the UK. That is three people every hour, and one every 18 minutes. In a week, more than 500 new people will be diagnosed on average. Every month, that’s around 2,500 people. 

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Village Halls Week 2024 is set to go green!


Author: Phillip Vincent, public affairs and communications manager at ACRE

With scientific warnings of the climate crisis mounting and governments and international institutions scrabbling in search of grand solutions, it’s easy to feel powerless to act in the face of great threats to our way of life and that of future generations.

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We need more women in local government


Author: Hannah Stevens, chief executive officer at Elect Her

There are approximately 100,000 councillors in England, but only 39.2% of them are women, whilst women make up 51% of the population. 

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Exclusive offer to help make your communities safer


Author: Clive Rowlandson, marketing manager at the British Heart Foundation

There are 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) every year in the UK; sadly, the current survival rate is only 1 in 10. However, early CPR and defibrillation can significantly increase the chances of surviving an OHCA. British Heart Foundation therefore has a mission to triple survival rates from Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests by 2030.

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Lighting a Beacon of Peace for the D-Day 80th anniversary


Author: Lee Cleaver, client account executive at Clear Councils Insurance

6 June 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day and will see several events hosted throughout the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories. It is a significant occasion to commemorate the sacrifices made and celebrate the years of peace resulting from those tremendous efforts.

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Celebrating LGBT+ History Month 2024


Author: Cllr Andy Snape, mayor of Flitwick Town Council

As co-chair of NALC's LGBT+ councillors national network, it's an honour to write on NALC’s blog to mark LBGT+ History Month 2024! The network was set up in 2021 to bring LGBTQ+ councillors together to share ideas and inspire change in our local communities. As a network, we’re working on some exciting initiatives to raise the profile of LGBTQ+ councillors and staff working in local councils and to provide resources and support for councils that would like to engage more in this important area. 

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Moving your council to a domain couldn’t be easier with the parish council domains helper service  


Authors: Karen Gibbard, Sandra Lowe, Stephanie Palmer and Tim Willott from the Parish Council Domains Helper Team

As you may know, the cabinet office is working hard to support England's parish and town councils in moving to domains where they can conduct their business safely, more securely and efficiently.

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Risk management


Author: Danielle Bird, financial director at Utility Aid

The financial world is very volatile at the moment and what that means is that a lot of decisions that I make along with the board of directors have an element of risk. One thing that I do not like is uncertainty. I sit with our leadership team every month to compare budget versus actual, to make sure we are meeting targets, and not overspending. I do this, not only because it’s part of my job but also because I hate the unexpected. I take pride in accurate forecasting and feel responsible for it when it’s not.

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Digital engagement in neighbourhood planning


Authors: Steve Besford-Foster, PlanSupport in association with Neil Kirkland, GoCollaborate Limited 

There has been a significant dip in the willingness of communities to engage since COVID. Some of this might be due to a fear of public meetings and mixing, but there’s a continuing strong element of cynicism about government and planning, which is having an impact on NDP engagement. There is also a growing recognition of what digital engagement can bring which many communities are looking to grasp.

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Winter safety and risk management tips for councils 


Author: Lee Cleaver​​​, sales development account broker at Clear Councils Insurance 

With winter well and truly upon us, now is a good time for local (parish and town) councils to prepare for the worsening weather from a safety and risk management perspective. The winter weather can present many challenges, with roads, car parks, walkways, stairs/steps, bus shelters, playgrounds, and more becoming more hazardous due to ice and snow.

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Ensuring no one is left behind as UK landlines go digital 


Author: Lucy Baker, consumer all IP director and Vicky Hicks, head of engagement, digital voice and gender equality network chair at BT Consumer 

The landline is here to stay, but the technology used to make calls is changing from analogue to digital as part of an industry-wide shift.

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Make Music Day – for and by everyone, on 21 June every year


Author: Barbara Eifler, chief executive of Making Music and chair of Make Music Day UK

It’s the simplest of concepts: anyone can create or host or perform in a music event on 21 June and be part of the world’s biggest DIY grassroots music festival.

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From COP to local communities – helping the next generation drive climate solutions 


Author: Graham Duxbury, chief executive of Groundwork UK

Watching delegates fly in and out of COP 28 in Dubai over the last two weeks it’s been easy to get downhearted by how distant and difficult the discussions about tackling dangerous climate change are.  In the meantime, the power of nature to enhance or disrupt our lives has never been more evident.  Extreme weather battering our shores and causing real hardship in communities is making us finally understand what an unstable climate means.  At the same time, more and more of us are realising how being better connected with nature does wonders for our health and wellbeing.  As is so often the case, we don’t truly appreciate something until it’s gone.

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A journey through the Newport Pagnell Town Council study tour 2023 


Author: Shar Roselman, town clerk at Newport Pagnell Town Council 

Join me as I reflect on the enlightening study tour held in June 2023. Let's explore the valuable benefits of study tours and dive into the extensive array of subjects that these tours can cover. Trust me, you will want to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the next one!

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Working together for a tree-filled future – join in this special National Tree Week 


Author: Jess Allan, Science & Research Projects Manager at The Tree Council 

National Tree Week 2023 (25 Nov-3 Dec) marks fifty years since the ‘Plant a Tree in ‘73’ campaign, from which the annual week-long celebration of trees (and The Tree Council!) was born. The week is always a brilliant opportunity to come together and truly appreciate the trees around us that give us joy! The theme this year is ‘Grow a Tree in ‘23’, reflecting the continued love and care that trees need after planting – a crucial message for all of us. 

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Important takeaways from the White Ribbon conference 


Author: Daisy Petrow, communications officer at NALC

In September 2023, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) attended the White Ribbon conference in Birmingham. White Ribbon’s mission is to prevent violence against women and girls by addressing its root causes. They work with men and boys to change long established harmful attitudes, systems and behaviours around masculinity that perpetuate inequality and violence. Their work is preventative; they want to stop violence before it starts.  

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Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women 


Author: UN Women

Violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation in the world, affecting more than 1 in 3 women, a figure that has remained unchanged over the last decade. 

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How local councils can help deliver a decarbonised transport system 


Author: Cllr James Gleave, board member at Transport Planning Society and councillor at Flitwick Town Council 

Anyone who is a councillor knows that one of the things that is most often raised by the public is transport. Whether it be the lack of local buses or the state of the roads – people often have a lot to say. You may think that transport and highways is the responsibility of your County Council, Unitary Authority, District Council, Borough or Combined Authority. But believe it or not, even local (parish and town) councils can do a lot to help make the transport system better and decarbonise it at the same time.

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Food insecurity: what can councils do?


Author: Louise Marshall, senior public health fellow, and Bethan Page, public health speciality registrar, the Health Foundation

Thriving communities need all the right building blocks in place, including quality housing, stable jobs, a good education, and much more. Erosion of these building blocks causes instability in people's lives, reducing resilience to circumstances outside their control and increasing their risk of poor health.

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Raising the digital standards of local councils 


Author: Chris Mewse, managing director of Parish Online

I have always been passionate about using technology to create something new and useful. I used to build software and websites in my spare time and loved looking through maps and atlases (no wonder I ended up with this career!). I’m proud that over the last 14 years, my team and I have built a reputation for providing trustworthy digital services, namely our Parish Online mapping software.

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The benefits of fixing energy costs


Author: Sally-Ann Beaver at director of Utility Aid 

In recent years, we have all seen energy costs fluctuate significantly, making it difficult for local (parish and town) councils to budget accurately. This can be especially problematic for smaller councils that may not have large reserves to fall back on if unexpected energy costs arise. By fixing energy costs, councils can plan their budgets with more certainty and have greater control over their expenses.

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Understanding and celebrating Black History Month UK 2023


Author: Angela M, chief executive officer of International Black History Month UK

October marks the start of Black History Month in the UK. This national celebration aims to celebrate, remember, and reflect on the contributions of African and Caribbean heritage people to the British economy, culture, and history.

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Legionella risk — appointment of contractors for local authorities  


Author: Sam Hagen, digital marketer at the Water Hygiene Centre 

This blog looks at the considerations any local authority should make in determining how to appoint a contractor(s) to support them to ensure that water systems are free from microbiological contamination for those who use them.

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Why should you use social media in a consultation? 


Author: Katerina Sukstul, head of platform delivery and engagement at GoCollaborate 

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, local authorities find themselves at a crossroads, facing the dual challenges of engaging their communities effectively and adapting to the ever-increasing demands for transparency and participation in decision-making processes. 

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