NALC declares a climate emergency
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) declared a climate emergency following overwhelming support at a panel session this year's Annual Conference.
The panel challenged delegates to declare climate emergencies in their respective local (parish and town) councils. The panel opened the question to the floor, stating that as a response to the panel session, NALC should declare a climate emergency.
NALC has affirmed its support to local councils in tackling climate change. NALC will promote the planting of trees, highlight good practise, abolish single-use plastics, encourage members to carry refillable bottles and reusable cups and to travel by public transport where possible.
Cllr Sue Baxter, chairman of NALC, said "I am pleased that NALC has declared a climate emergency. It is a global issue that can be tackled by local councils by making some small but meaningful changes. Climate change is a collaborative effort, and who better to fight it than our army of 10,000 local councils and 100,000 councillors."
The climate change panel consisted was made up of; Tony Grayling, director of Sustainable Business and Development at the Environment Agency, Suzanne Jeffery, chair of the Campaign against Climate Change, Chaitanya Kumar, senior policy advisor at the Green Alliance, Cllr Susanna Rustin, Queen's Park Community Council and leader writer at the Guardian, and Cllr Paul Woodhead, Cannock Chase District Council.