

NALC Spring Conference open for bookings

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has opened bookings to its Spring Conference next year on 17 March 2020.

The conference is an essential event for the local government sector, bringing local (parish and town) councils together with others sectors to share, celebrate and advance the crucial work local councils do to build stronger communities. The conference will focus on one of NALC's key campaigns for 2020, health and wellbeing, and how local councils can create healthier communities.

The conference will include speakers on the latest health and wellbeing policy issues, interactive panels, dedicated time for a Q&A to ask your questions, promoting good practice and an expanded sector-specific exhibition showcasing products and services that can support your council's needs. Also, there will be a range of sessions to help answer some critical issues, such as:

  • What are the health challenges communities are facing?
  • How are different tiers of local government collaborating?
  • Reaching out to help local councils tackle hidden disabilities 
  • How the public and private sectors can work together?

Cllr Sue Baxter, chairman of NALC, said: "NALC's Spring Conference is now an established part of NALC's event calendar and is one of the most significant events in the local government calendar for local councils. This year's conference will focus on health and wellbeing, one of our big campaigns for 2020. I urge all local councils and councillors to book today to make the most of our discounted rates."

The conference is sponsored by BHIB Councils Insurance and supported by Blachere Illumination and CCLA.

Find out more about the event

Book your place at NALC's Spring Conference

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