

NALC launches new publication on website accessibility


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) today has launched a new publication on website accessibility requirements.

The publication provides practical steps that local (parish and town) councils can follow to understand the new regulations, put in place an accessibility statement, and start plans to improve the accessibility of their website.

Many people rely on the internet as a source of information on public services. Local councils already consider those with disabilities when organising events, delivering services and public meetings. Similarly, thought must be given to how accessible information is on council websites. Disabilities can have a significant impact on how a person can access information online, so local councils must make their websites as accessible as possible. Even making small adjustments to a website can have a considerable effect.

To reflect the need for accessing information online from public sector organisations, The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 aim to ensure reasonable adjustments to websites are made, so they are accessible to people with various disabilities. From 23 September 2020, all local councils must have an action plan and an accessibility statement in place and would have started work to their websites to become more accessible.

Read Website accessibility requirements publication (login required) or find it in the member's area under development tools.

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