

Funding boost to help communities plan their neighbourhoods


Housing secretary, Robert Jenrick MP has today announced funding to help communities in urban and deprived areas plan their local neighbourhoods will almost double.

The government grants to individual neighbourhood planning groups in both urban and deprived areas will increase to £18,000, which follows the increase from £9,000 to £10,000 in May to help with the impacts of coronavirus.

The government also announced it is providing these groups with access to additional technical expertise free of charge, such as for assessing their area's housing needs or developing masterplans.

Cllr Sue Baxter, chairman of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), said: "England's 10,000 local (parish and town) councils are at the forefront of neighbourhood planning. They make up the vast majority of the 2,600 places using this vital tool in the planning system to shape development and housing in their areas.

NALC would encourage local councils in those areas to use this additional funding to get started on neighbourhood planning to help rebuild communities. Communities with an adopted neighbourhood plan in non-parish areas can fast track the process to set up a local council so they can also benefit from local leadership and support the broader benefits and ambitions of neighbourhood planning.

Find out more about the announcement

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