

Principal authorities told to pass funding on to local councils


The government is strongly encouraging principal authorities to work with local (parish and town) councils and pass on funding from the £56m Welcome Back Fund.

Robert Jenrick MP, secretary of state for Housing, Communities and Local Government, has written to the chair of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), Cllr Sue Baxter, about the new fund which aims to help councils boost tourism, improve green spaces and provide more outdoor seating areas, markets and food stall pop-ups.

NALC has been lobbying the government on the issue of funding and has called for dedicated funding initiatives - such as for parks, high streets and town centres - to be made available to local councils. 

Cllr Sue Baxter said: “It is good the government is recognising and backing the important role local councils will need to play in delivering initiatives in the community and on our high streets.

“Many local councils already deliver the activities covered by the fund such as street planting, parks, green spaces and markets. It is therefore right that this funding is passed on to local councils to help them boost their shopping areas and high streets as part of the recovery from the pandemic.

“I am urging local councils to contact their principal councils about the fund and to let their county association know if principal councils are not passing on funding in line with the government’s clear expectation.”

Read the letter to NALC

Read the letter to principal authorities

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