

Young councillors network appoints new co-chairs and publishes a survey

national network

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) National Network: Young councillors met on 8 November 2023 to appoint its new co-chairs.

The network appointed Cllr Lewis Anderson (Horinglow and Eton Parish Council), Cllr James Cantwell (Sutterton Parish Council) and Cllr Elliot Jayes (Minister on Sea Parish Council) as its three new co-chairs. The co-chairs will help support and lead the network and its work.

The network reviewed NALC’s survey on the network, which has now launched. The survey aims to gain insight into the experiences of young councillors within the local (parish and town) council sector, and responses will help improve the delivery of future sessions and help the co-chairs focus on the aims of the networks.

At the meeting, the network also discussed how to improve engagement with other tiers of local government, spoke about local councils’ involvement with housing associations, and the difficulty of managing housing costs for young people.

Complete the survey

Learn about the network and how to join

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