

Is the Planning System working?

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Civic Societies and APPG on Local Democracy will host a joint meeting in Parliament on Tuesday, 7th June 2016. In light of the recent National Planning Policy Framework, the event will be asking ‘Is the Planning System working?’

The meeting will hear from Clive Betts MP, chair of the Communities and Local Government Committee, Craig Mackinlay MP, chair of the APPG for Civic Societies, Scott Mann MP, vice chair of the APPG on Local Democracy, Baroness Parminter and Lord Porter, chair of the Local Government Association.  

There will also be a chance for delegates to have their say, towards the end of the debate and give their account of where the Planning System has worked for them and where it has let them down.  

Craig Mackinlay MP, chair of the APPG for Civic Societies said, “The Planning System is something which affects communities across the country. The Government has an important balance to strike in addressing the nation’s shortage in housing, by building new homes and ensuring local communities are listened to; by ensuring the housing is right for each area. Communities will accept housing if consulted on the plans and even involved in the planning process. We are all fighting for the same thing…well designed buildings and development in suitable areas.”

Andrea Jenkyns MP, chair of the APPG on Local Democracy, said: “The planning system has undergone some significant changes, many aimed at giving communities a voice and more influence. We want to see communities in the driving seat, taking the lead in transforming their areas to meet local needs. It is a misconception that local communities are against development – they just want to see viable plans that ensure houses are built in the right number, in the right place, and that their infrastructure can cope with increased demand".

If you would like to register your place at the event please do so for free here.

Please note for security purposes, the precise location of this event will only be shared 48 hours before the event.

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