NALC teams up with Epilepsy Society
The National Association of Local Councils has teamed up with the Epilepsy Society to raise awareness of the hidden disabilities in communities. The partnership will promote the role of local (parish and town) councils play in improving people's quality of life.
The two organisations launched their partnership by co-hosting a fringe event at the Conservative party conference in Manchester this week.
The Epilepsy Society is the UK's leading charity for epilepsy research and support. More than half a million people in the UK have epilepsy, with one third having seizures that can't be controlled through the anti-epileptic drugs currently available.
Cllr Sue Baxter, chairman of NALC, said: "NALC is thrilled to be working with the Epilepsy Society. There is still a lack of understanding about epilepsy which can lead to stigma, not seeking support or not knowing what to do when someone has a seizure. Local councils can play their part to raise awareness and help communities become seizure savvy."
Clare Pelham, chief executive at the Epilepsy Society, said: "Recent research has shown two out of three people with no experience of epilepsy would not feel confident of how to help someone during a seizure. Earlier this year, we launched a new campaign aimed at giving people the basic tools of seizure first aid that could help save a life. We hope that people with epilepsy will be able to rely on the kindness of strangers who are seizure savvy. I am pleased to be working with NALC and delighted they are supporting our campaign."
The Alzheimer's Society, who is also a partner of NALC, spoke at the fringe event. Through a strategic commitment to work together to support local councils to achieve their potential and support their communities to fight against dementia.