NALC opens nominations to its Smaller Councils Committee
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has opened nominations to its Smaller Councils Committee to candidates for 2020/21.
The committee represents the interests of smaller local (parish and town) councils in England. It oversees NALC's work programme for smaller local councils, including sharing good practice, preparing advice and guidance and identifying issues relevant to smaller local councils. The committee has an exciting spread of representation from the local council sector, with three vacancies open to councillors and clerks.
The deadline for nominations is 8 November 2019, and online voting will begin from 15 November. The final results will be published on 18 December.
Alison Stevens, chair of NALC's Smaller Councils Committee, said: The committee plays an important role in ensuring smaller local councils have their voice heard on the issues related to them. We urge councillors and clerks to stand for election to continue to give these councils a voice and influence NALC's future work programmes."