NALC takes steps to regulate fees for residential properties
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) agreed to adopt a motion regulating fees for residential properties during its Policy Committee meeting on 17 October 2023.
This motion, aimed at regulating fees charged by management companies to freeholders of residential properties, was proposed by the Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils. The Policy Committee intends to collaborate with regulatory bodies such as the Competition and Markets Authority and the National House Builders Federation.
The committee appointed Cllr Richard Page from Norton Parish Council in Gloucestershire to a newly formed Martyn's Law Steering Group. This group will actively engage with the Society of Local Council Clerks to guide and support this issue.
In addition, the committee discussed data collection, encompassing various areas such as precepts, elections, reserve levels, and local audits in the sector. The committee has agreed that this data will be the foundation for their advocacy efforts and the services provided to local councils in the coming year.
Finally, the meeting included a moment of appreciation for the committee's outgoing chair, Cllr David Francis from Newton the Moor and Swarland Parish Council in Northumberland, who presided over his final meeting. The committee also expressed their gratitude to the vice chair, Cllr Peter Allison from Wilsden Parish Council in Yorkshire, for their dedicated service to the committee.