

Supporting your communities through tree planting 


Author: Richard Stanford CB MBE, chief executive of the Forestry Commission  

With growing environmental pressures to tackle the climate and nature emergencies, never has it been a more important time to grow trees. The UK government and local authorities share a common goal to halt the decline in biodiversity by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050.

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The Great British Beach Clean 


Author: Lauren Jones-Mullins, wildlife ecologist & beachwatch administrator at Marine Conservation Society

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘marine litter’? Rolling waves of plastic? Vast islands of waste in the middle of the ocean? Wildlife tangled in fishing net and eating plastic bags? Shocking images of the extent of pollution around the world have been brought into the public eye through Blue Planet 2, National Geographic, and even the Octonauts - but the reality is much closer to home. 

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Foundation Award — Starting the journey


Author: Joanne Riddle, town clerk at Bingham Town Council 

After a challenging period of time for the council, the Local Council’s Award Scheme was considered as a positive way to provide residents reassurance that the council were not only meeting their responsibilities, but they were exceeding them and were striving to constantly improve. Staff know that the council meet the legal requirements expected of them and that they take their scrutiny role seriously, but after a negative time it can be difficult to change that view with the community.

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Royal British Legion launch network for councillors 


Author: Luke Lancaster, public affairs and campaigns officer for the Royal British Legion  

The Royal British Legion (RBL) recently launched Councillor Network. The aim is to enhance the support we provide to those who serve in local government. We welcome all elected representatives from every level of local government – including from local (town and parish) councils – to join.

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LGA Independent Group: Why do parish councils matter? 


Author: Cllr Marianne Overton MBE, leader of the LGA Independent Group 

At a time when developments in digital technology mean that it’s possible to connect with friends and family located thousands of miles away in mere seconds, the importance of nourishing a local community and connecting neighbours has never been more important.

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LGA Liberal Democrat Group: Why do parish councils matter?


Author: Cllr Joe Harris, leader of the LGA Liberal Democrat Group 

In the complex web of local governance in England, one of the most vital and often overlooked institutions is the humble parish or town council.

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LGA Labour Group: Why do parish councils matter?


Author: Cllr Shaun Davies, chair of the Local Government Association (LGA) and former leader of the LGA Labour Group 

Along with being a Leader of Telford and Wrekin Council and the LGA Labour Group, it's been my real honour to be elected to the local councils that serve my ward; Lawley and Overdale Parish Council since 2019 and the Great Dawley Town Council since 2007, and Chair since 2011. I know first-hand the importance of our parish, town and community councils.

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LGA Conservative Group: Why do parish councils matter?


Author: Cllr Izzi Seccombe OBE, former leader of the LGA Conservative Group

I am delighted to have the opportunity to submit this essay explaining why I believe that parish and town councils matter. I am also looking forward to engaging in a wider discussion on these issues with colleagues from the other LGA political groups at the fringe session NALC is organising at the LGA Conference on 5 July 2023. 

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Make a difference in climate change this International Youth Day


Author: Jamie Sims, communications officer at Hope for the Future

For young people today, the climate and nature crisis is a central issue - one which has drawn many of us into engagement with the democratic system. This can be seen in the rapid global spread of school climate strikes. My own engagement with collective political action was in large part sparked by getting involved in a campaign for divestment from fossil fuel investments as a student. Of course, there are good reasons for this surge of interest in environmentalism among younger generations. We all have an interest in a livable and healthy planet and want to see our natural environment protected and restored.

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Visualising local Census 2021 data


Author: Jessica Bailey, deputy head of outreach and engagement, Office for National Statistics

Everyone benefits from the census. The data provided helps councils, charities and businesses plan and fund the local and national services we all rely on, wherever we live, across England and Wales. 

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The Fidelity Fiduciary App


Author: Jeremy Leggett, policy advisor at ACRE 

If Michael Banks in ‘Mary Poppins’, were to wisely invest his tuppence in The Bank today, he would not give it, face-to face, to a cashier. The transition from banks with a branch in every town, to banks that aspire to have apps in every pocket has taken little time at all.  

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Unlock the full potential of your Online Community Engagement


Author: Mark Luxton, digital community engagement lead at GoCollaborate 

With the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the face of community engagement has changed significantly. But are you optimising your online community engagement efforts effectively?

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Tackling climate change and protecting nature in our council and communities


Author: Jake Woodier, senior media and campaigns manager at The Climate Coalition 

Climate change and protecting our natural world is the greatest challenge of our time. It requires urgent and collaborative action from government through to local councils and our communities. While national and international efforts are crucial, there is great hope and belief in the change that takes place at the local level.

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Alcester Town Council: A model for community health and well-being


Author: Nadoya Reid, communications officer at the National Association of Local Councils 

Since 2016, NALC's Star Council Awards Council of the Year winner 2022, Alcester Town Council (ATC), has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of its residents. By establishing a Health and Well-being Board, the council has fostered a resilient community by nurturing social networks and building capacity. ATC has been at the forefront of promoting a thriving and inclusive community by focusing on creating connections, reducing isolation, and enhancing a sense of belonging. This blog post explores the remarkable initiatives undertaken by Alcester Town Council to support the health and well-being of its residents.

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Five ways to kickstart LGBTQ+ inclusion at work


Author: Stonewall

Whether you’re LGBTQ+ or an ally, whether you head up your organisation or you’re in an entry-level role, everybody should feel able to make their workplace a little more inclusive. Here, we’ll share five top tips for kickstarting LGBTQ+ inclusion at your organisation, regardless of shape or size.

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Empowering local communities: Parish and town councils' role in the Great Big Green Week


Author: Jake Woodier of The Climate Coalition

Organised by The Climate Coalition, Great Big Green Week is a celebration of community action to address climate change and protect our natural world. Now in its third year, this nationwide event brings together communities and groups from across the country to showcase their efforts in safeguarding the planet. Local (parish and town) councils have a vital role to play in supporting and promoting Great Big Green Week alongside people from all walks of life that engage in the campaign. 

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Make June your Month of Community 


Author: Tracey Robbins, head of UK delivery at Eden Project Communities

This June, the third annual Month of Community will occur across the UK. We came together with a group of partners to start the initiative in 2021, recognising so many wonderful campaigns taking place around the same time of year. This includes The Big Lunch, our annual get-together for neighbours bringing communities across the UK together for friendship, food and fun on the first weekend in June. 

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Town and parish councils can boost community well-being, children’s physical activity levels, and tackle isolation by supporting play streets


Author: Pete Davies, chief executive officer at Playing Out  

Streets constitute the majority of public space in our villages and towns. To see them only as places to drive and park cars is to undervalue them. Streets can and should be places where people can sit, talk, read, play and walk.

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Distinguishing between conduct and performance issues in the workplace


Author: Danielle Scott, solicitor and senior employment law adviser at WorkNest 

An employee isn’t performing to the required standards. But are you dealing with a conduct or performance issue?

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How can I be more aware of subsidence?


Author: Lee​ Cleaver, sales development account broker at BHIB Councils Insurance 

In recent years the UK has been subject to extremely hot and dry weather, putting properties at greater risk of subsidence.

Subsidence happens when the ground under a property collapse or sinks lower. This uneven movement may result in structural damage, such as cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings, which can be expensive to repair.

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We need seamless links between mental and physical health care


Author: Mel Islin, physical activity programme manager, Rethink Mental Illness

It is widely known and accepted that physical activity is good for our physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. But often, people are isolated from activities or cannot find the right one.

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Nash Mills Parish Council - Achieving a Quality Award


Author: Nikki Bugden, parish clerk at Nash Mills Parish Council

Why apply?

We all have reasons for applying for the NALC Local Council Award Scheme.

It might be that you want to evidence to your communities the standards that you adhere to as a council, it might be to maintain your own CPD, and it might just be that you are so proud of what you and your team have achieved that you want to receive sector approved accreditation to reflect it.

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Farnham Town Council — winner of Council of the Year 2021


Author: Iain Lynch, town clerk at Farnham Town Council  

This week the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) launched its Star Council Awards 2023, the only awards in England that recognise local (parish and town) councils' contributions to their communities. The long-running awards celebrate local councils, councillors, young councillors, clerks, and county associations' positive impact on their communities. We look back at the 2021 Council of the Year winner, Farnham Town Council.

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Driving down the cost-of-living


Authors: Kim Lowes, parish councillor and community pantry lead and Sophie Taylor, clerk and responsible finance officer at Coxhoe Parish Council

The parish of Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill is not alone in feeling tested by rising costs.  As a parish council, we do our utmost to respond to the needs of residents, including taking a proactive approach to difficult financial times.

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Co-opting for democracy


Author: Cllr David Francis, chair of NALC's Policy Committee 

It is sometimes said that democracy can only be achieved through the ballot box and that making co-options is a failure of the democratic process. However, this need not be the case, and co-options can be a positive tool. Arguably, every local (parish and town) council benefit from having a mix of councillors drawn from various backgrounds. They are capable, enthusiastic, and engaged in reflecting on their communities.

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Top 10 tips for effective community engagement in 2023


Author: Daniel Purchese, co-director at Breakthrough Communications 

As local (parish and town) councils are the closest level of government to their communities, it is essential for them to communicate effectively and strategically. In 2023, with the increasing reliance on technology and social media and the fact that councils are providing more services than ever, effective communication is essential in supporting effective governance.

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Be more purple – how to support someone who is having a seizure


Author: Nicola Swanborough, head of external affairs at the Epilepsy Society  

If someone at your council meeting – maybe a fellow councillor or a public member – had a seizure, would you know what to do?

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New government discount scheme


Author: Lucy Knight, customer care and communications specialist at Utility Aid   

On 9 January 2023, the government announced introducing a new Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS), which will run from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. This will replace the previous Energy Bills Relief Scheme that provided a discount to all eligible organisations (which ends on 31 March 2023).

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Women in parish and town councils


Author: Amy Knox, project officer (gender), Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK (CPA UK)

On Wednesday evening, I was one of 150 women who joined the Parliament Project for the “Women in local (parish and town) council – What is it and can I do it?” workshop.

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Custom and self-build – the Right to Build Task Force shares the bigger picture


Author: Duncan Hayes, marketing and communications manager at the Right to Build Task Force 

The government funds the Right to Build Task Force to support local authorities working to deliver custom and self-build homes. Find out more about the benefits of this route to delivery on the NALC-hosted event: Tackling the housing crisis the local way with custom and self-build homes on 15 March 2023.

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Supporting your local community for the King’s Coronation


Author: Lee​ Cleaver, sales development account broker at BHIB Councils Insurance

With King Charles III’s Coronation set to take place on 6 May 2023 and a one-off bank holiday announced for 8 May 2023, we know that local (parish and town) councils will be key to bringing our local communities together to celebrate.

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Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month in Flitwick & Ampthill


Author: Cllr Andy Snape, Town Mayor, Flitwick Town Council

Part of NALC's #MakeAChange campaign, NALC’s LGBTQ+ National Network was set up in June 2021, bringing LGBTQ+ councillors together to share ideas and inspire change in our local communities.

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Will your council join the nation in celebration?


Author: Kate Groves, Marketing Manager, Eden Project Communities 

Following the recent announcement from Buckingham Palace, we are delighted to share that this year's Big Lunch will take place on 6-8 May, as part of the celebrations for the Coronation.

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Seven ways you can be an LGBTQ+ ally at work


Author: Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin, digital mobilisation lead at Stonewall

Over a third of LGBTQ+ people still feel they have to hide who they are at work.

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Internal Audit Forum – the support and information resource for auditors


Author: Eleanor Greene, Secretary to the Internal Audit Forum

Councils can be members of their county association and, thus, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). This gives them access to resource materials, training, and support. Clerks and officers can be members of the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), giving them access to resource materials, training, and support. Internal auditors can be members of the Internal Audit Forum (IAF).

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England’s 10,000+ village halls to be recognised for providing warm, welcoming, and inclusive spaces


Author: Phillip Vincent, Public Affairs and Communications Manager, Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)

Village Halls Week 2023 will celebrate how these volunteer-run rural community buildings support local residents, groups, and businesses, particularly during difficult times.

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Putting the local In the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman


Author: Michael King, chair of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

For nearly 50 years, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) has had the power to investigate complaints about problems faced by people using all kinds of local services, from registering births to caring for our oldest residents.

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Going for gold - our journey to a quality award


Author: Jennie Thomas, chief officer and parish clerk at Stone Parish Council

Award schemes are generally used to support the credibility of a sector, help people feel their work is valued, improve morale, boost the profile, and solidify an organisation's reputation through third-party endorsement.

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Tips on reducing on-site consumption and becoming greener


Author: Ruaire Glackin, head of net zero & energy management at Utility Aid 

With the cost of living and energy crisis affecting everyone, especially businesses and charities, one way to decrease costs is to reduce your energy consumption and look at ways to become greener with your usage. Not only can you save money, but by taking little steps, you help to look after our planet and can contribute towards the net zero goal.

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Four ways to alleviate your workforce's money worries this winter


Author: Hannah Copeland, HR Business Partner at WorkNest

As people’s bills increase, so does the pressure on employers to offer some form of support.

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Cyber Insurance: Five ways councils can safeguard from cyber attacks


Author: Lee​ Cleaver, sales development account broker at BHIB Councils Insurance

Almost every local (parish and town) council uses technology in their day-to-day operations — whether simply accessing emails or performing more complex tasks such as handling personal data.

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Warm up Winter with The Big Lunch at Christmas


Author: Tracey Robbins, head of UK Delivery at Eden Project Communities 

The Big Lunch, an Eden Project initiative, has been bringing neighbours together annually each June since 2009. This year was exceptional, as The Big Jubilee Lunch 2022 was part of the official Platinum Jubilee celebrations. 

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A personal perspective on White Ribbon Accreditation


Author: Cllr Kay Wesley, White Ribbon Champion for Congleton Town Council

What is Congleton doing and why?

Congleton Town Council has voted to become White Ribbon Accredited. The catalyst for this was a visit to Congleton by Chris Green OBE, the White Ribbon UK President, who was invited to speak at a public event organised by the Congleton Women’s Forum.

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Planning applications in a digital mapping system


Author: Tristram Cary, chair of Geoxphere Ltd

One of the local (parish and town) councils' essential duties is to analyse and comment on planning applications. This vital task is made much easier if the planning applications can be loaded into a digital mapping system and analysed against all the relevant constraints, such as local plans and flood risk. 

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There’s a climate emergency – what can councils do next?


Author: Megan Blyth, local and community empowerment project officer at the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)

Tackling the climate crisis is a daunting task, especially for councils that may not have access to large budgets, resources or staff. But we know more and more local councils have declared climate emergencies and are thinking about plans for positive change in their local area. But what support is available to ensure these plans benefit local communities and the planet? 

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A Co-operative Council response to the cost of living crisis – Stevenage Borough Council


Author: Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE, chair of the Co-operative Councils' Innovation Network and leader of Stevenage Borough Council 

The United Kingdom is currently facing a cost of living crisis that is directly impacting all households and businesses up and down the country. 

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Cost-of-living crisis


Author: Martin Buttle, better world lead at CCLA

With the highest rates of inflation in decades and a collapse in the pound's value, the UK is facing a cost-of-living crisis that will affect millions of working people across the UK.

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Contract Works Insurance


Author: Lee Cleaver, sales development account broker at BHIB Councils Insurance

A new building or extension project sometimes takes months or even years to come to fruition. Designing, planning, funding, and arranging contractors to carry out the works are detailed and time-consuming tasks. By the time you are ready to start in earnest, what thought has been given to what could go wrong? Insurance is almost always one of the last things on people’s minds, and yet a carefully considered insurance programme surrounding the contract works can also take some time to compile.

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No ifs, no buts - CCLA assessment of the latest Bank of England rate decision


Author: Rob Evans, senior portfolio manager at CCLA

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has voted to increase its Official Bank Rate by 0.50% to 1.75% - its highest rate since 2008. The Bank’s move was the biggest single increase since 1995, also marking the sixth consecutive rate hike since last December.

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The legacy of COVID-19 for people living with dementia and their families


Author: Ian Sherriff BEM, academic partnership lead for dementia at the University of Plymouth Medical School Faculty of Health

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