NALC holds an online event on winning strategies for the funding game
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) held an online event on winning strategies for the funding game on 15 December 2023.
The specialist panel featured Stuart McLeod, director of England, London & South at National Lottery Heritage Fund and Andy Reeves, council manager at Central Swindon North Parish Council. They spoke about the current funding environment, shared tips on navigating it and securing funds, and noted some grants available to local (town and parish) councils.
Stuart McLeod provided his perspective as a funder and gave an overview of the National Lottery Heritage's 10-year investment strategy. He shared that all investments made by the National Lottery Heritage will be informed by four principles: saving heritage, protecting the environment, fostering inclusion, access, and participation, and ensuring organisational sustainability. Stuart emphasised that applications would need to reflect at least a minimal alignment with all these principles, but there will be flexibility for projects applicable to one category more than the others.
Andy Reeves emphasised the benefits of having a grant officer. He said, “I would consider making the case for appointing a grant officer. The grant officer would need to be flexible, and their time can be spent preparing applications, researching funders, and developing relationships.”
Stuart and Andy shared a final piece of advice: be mature when applying for funding by having a comprehensive business plan and being realistic about the impact your council can make with the investment. They also reemphasised the importance of building relationships with funders.